Tommy Gun modell 1928 A1 med rett forskjefte og rett magasin (ikke trommel).
Lengde 82 cm, og vekt 3650 gram, det samme som en ekte "Tommy". Produsert i en Zink-legering som gir samme følelse og finish som et ekte våpen. Du kan ta ladegrep, ta ut magasin m.m.
Leveres nå med ringfester for rem på på forskjeftet og skulderstokk.
Replica of the submachine gun M1 made of metal and wood, with simulated mechanism of charge and firing and removable charger.
The M1 submachine gun model designed by Thompson in 1928 is the result of successive simplifications of the first versions, with the main objective of reducing production costs. These simplifications were based on moving the arm lever from the top of the gun to the right side, limiting the feeding system exclusively to straight loaders and eliminate the mouth brake. In addition, the sights were removed and substituted by the traditional ones in the L form.
There were two military models of the submachine gun. The first was the model M1928A1 that had a straight magazine of 20 cartridges or a magazine type drum of 50-100 cartridges. This model had a longer barrel and the cocking lever was at the top of the gun. The M1A1 had the shortest barrel, a straight magazine of 30 cartridges and the cocking lever was on the right side.
This submachine gun achieved its first popularity in the time of the Gansters during the Great Depression and in the films based on them. In addition, the M1928A1, along with the regular model M1928 were adopted by the USMC (Marine Corps of the United States) while the M1A1 model was chosen by the army, serving during World War II and later in the Korean War, and also later in the early instances of the Vietnam War.
Alle våpenkopier fra Denix er laget i en zink-legering som gir samme vekt og størrelse som originalene. All mekanisme fungerer som på originalene. De kan IKKE skytes med (heller ikke løs-krutt) og heller ikke bygges om til å skytes med. Kun til dekorasjon og samling. Det er ikke lov å bære våpenkopier på offentlig sted. Husk at bare synet av et våpen kan virke skremmende på mange og at event. misbruk av våpenkopier straffes på lik linje med vanlige våpen.
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